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Technical Samples

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Screenshot of cover of Owners Manual featuring black headphones in a swirling, circular multi colored background. A green vertical rectangle is on the right.

I spent a lot of time working on staging the photographs. For a long time I used much smaller images but in the end I chose to use large images because I thought it made it easier for the user to see details. I performed user testing on the “Synchronize With a Windows 10 Computer” section.

“I love this! Your technical description made me smile several times–an unusual feat for this assignment.” — Elizabeth Delf, Sr. Instructor.

UX Review screenshot

I learned a lot about accessibility and good user-centered design. I can’t publicly share the website I reviewed out of respect for the owner.

Process Flowchart screenshot

I created the flowchart using Google Docs. In retrospect I suspect I’d have had a better experience with a more robust tool like Visio.